Post-to-speech is an audio-visuall Diary of your public Facebook-Life!
You may aks: "what should this be good for?"
Imagine! :
You know "friends" quoting Shakespear and Goethe, misery owerflowing heart-ache lyrics or even making nasty remarks about others. Ever wondered how weird (and embarrassing) it woud sound if they had spoken it out loud?
In my opinion a underestimated danger of "fb-acting" lies in the also underestimated meaning of written words. You may talk inconsiderate and impulsive and so are your comments. But for 'using the internet' it is important to realize the difference between talking to someone or publicise it on your profile, where all of your dear friends can read it.
So the app's primary function is to act as an memory-assistant and might supporting to become more sensitive, while vociferously pronouncing your public fb-staements.
It filters out only your status-messages (you remember, this little field aking you 'whats up?' and 'how do you feel?') and reads them every 30 sec at random.
[ if your not convinced that this was your comment, you can rewie it! ]
Try it out!
or visit facebook-apps -store:
Post to Speech
How to use
How it works
[ if you're not logged in with your facebook-account, it will ask you to ]
First time you visit, you have to give permission to post-to-speech for using your status-messages
leave your browser-tab open and listen your facebook history while innocently surfing through the vastness of the Internet! ;)
To get the users data i had to join the "facebook- developers -comunity" so i could work with the Graph API, which is a low-level HTTP-based API for facebook developers.
"(...)The Graph API is the primary way to get data in and out of Facebook's social graph. You can use to query data, post new stories, upload photos and a variety of other tasks that an app might need to do." (API doc. :
The Text-to-speech-function was added with a jqeury plug-in from (see below).
The goal of the app's design was not to look much "desinged", it simply should show your comments.
used scripts
make a call to the facebook Graph API
write each status-message in a div
Choose every 10 sec one status-message randomly and
[using JSON- text data format]